It is no secret that working through any governmental process can be time consuming and frustrating. Often, just when you think you're finally making progress, you come across another roadblock which will require more time and money to resolve. At ABCS our goal is to eliminate unwelcome surprises as we guide you though the licensing process. This total approach to licensing begins with your first phone call to us and ends only upon completion of your application. Even then, we are available for any issues that arise or questions our clients have long after their license issues.

Our sophisticated approach to licensing issues gives our clients and us a competitive edge. Our intimate knowledge of California's ABC laws, rules, and procedures enables our clients to allow for proper lead times and realize savings of both time and money from professional application preparation, submittal, and oversight.

Our experience with complex ownership structures, publicly held companies, unique premises, and large scale transactions allows us to simplify the process by knowing what needs to be done and discarding what does not.

Our clients have confidence that their applications are being handled properly and every application is getting continuing personal attention from our qualified staff. Every application we handle includes:

  • Free initial consultation
  • Form preparation
  • Application filing
  • Field surveys
  • Correct public noticing
  • Continual investigator follow up
Call Us Toll Free at (800) 437-1100 / Local (951) 698-6868
26023 Jefferson Avenue, Suite D
Murrieta, CA. 92562